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Sunday, 4 March 2012


So, first post. Ground-breaking stuff. Well, for me, at least.

I actually created this blog a few days ago, and have since been racking my brains about what to put in it. Do I make it a forum for expressing my rambling thoughts to the world, or do I try and inject some coherency into arguments and stick to a narrow range of topics?

I'd like to believe the first option would be entertaining reading but then, maybe I have got an over-inflated opinion of myself and the contents of my head. Therefore, I have turned towards the second option. I intend to expound, on this page, on my favourite subject... Politics. Or more importantly, the politics that interests me.

To this end, and to get some understanding of what you can expect in the following posts, I would like to briefly list my political likes and dislikes. This will give some idea of the issues I intend to tackle in the future.

Likes - Personal choice, Personal freedoms, Emancipation, Cooperation, Humanism.

Dislikes - Corruption, Religion, Exploitation, Conflict, Nationalism.

Actually, that's pretty wishy-washy. There's no real surprises there. Who doesn't like freedom, who doesn't dislike corruption? That was a waste of time. Maybe it would be better if I just told you some of the things floating around my head that I intend to write up soon. I have split the list into two headings, with the idea that I'll get round to the Current Hot Topics sooner rather than later, before they cool down. The Perpetual Injustice Explanations can take a little longer, as I may get quite controversial and thus will need time to collate evidence and ensure coherency.

Current Hot Topics
Gay marriage
Arab Spring
Iranian Nuclear Power

Perpetual Injustices: My Explanations
Religion (this can be guessed from the blog title)

Well, that culminates my first post. I'll hopefully get another up soon, most probably about the current Gay Marriage topic in the UK, or Abortion in the US, but I have a lot of work to do in the next two weeks. Hey, maybe I'll stick one or two of my more salient essay points up on here. Who knows?

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